A 100% customised industrial felt

Technifeutre Technivilt provides industrial felt for professionals and various manufacturing industries. A tailor-made and 100% personalised result capable of responding positively to all your requirements. Our felts are available as cut or made-up pieces, but also in rolls.

Our industrial felt solutions

We produce various parts for you, in different sizes and materials, whether you are active in:

  • steel production and processing;
  • the production of flat glass or bottles;
  • the chemical industry;
  • surface treatment;
  • protection and storage;
  • etc.

Precise cutting based on drawings.

Our technical felts

We produce gaskets, sleeves made of technical felts and textiles for industrial use of natural (wool) or synthetic (Polyester, Polypropylene, Kevlar, Nomex) origin, adhesive or not. They are particularly useful in the fields of steel slitting and glass protection for example.

Our decorative and acoustic felts

We are also active in the field of decorative wall felts. Our felts are used for the design of work spaces, as separating and acoustic partitions.

For more information

For further information or orders related to our professional felt offer, please contact us immediately. This can be done by telephone or in writing using the form on this website.

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